Sunday, July 15, 2012
8:00 – 11 p.m.
LMD & DKM Open House
Join your fellow division members for a party to kick off the 2012 SLA conference!
Co-Sponsoring Division: SLA Knowledge Management Division
Monday, July 16, 2012
8:00 – 9:30 a.m.
Rapid Fire Consultant Showcase: Come One, Come All!
(Breakfast meeting)
Ticketed Event: $15/members and students, $30/non-members
Persons who are actively engaged in consulting will give a rapid fire “song and dance” about their consulting practice. Consultants will benefit from honing their value proposition in a safe and friendly atmosphere. Those who are thinking about venturing into consulting will have an opportunity to practice some essential introduction and positioning skills. Through this fun and creative communication opportunity, they can illustrate their value and the innovative insights they can bring to projects while meeting future clients for themselves and their practices. Session attendees who are actively considering contractors or partners to work with are encouraged to attend for a personal introduction to section members who will present the skill sets they might bring to potential partnerships. Costumes and props are optional.
Moderators: Lorri Zipperer, Zipperer Project Mgmt [LMD Member]; Jan Sykes, Info Mgmt Svcs Inc [LMD Member]
10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Transitioning to Management and Leadership
Whether you are moving into a management position at your current organization or taking on a team-lead role at a different organization, the first three months are critical for your longer term success. Your success depends on your ability to do the job, but equally important is clearly positioning yourself in the role with your boss, your team and yourself. The speaker walks you through a process for transitioning successfully and sanely.
Speaker: Rebecca Jones, Dysart & Jones Assoc [LMD Member]
Co-Sponsoring Divisions: SLA Insurance & Employee Benefits Division, SLA Social Science Division
Noon – 1:30 p.m. SPOTLIGHT SESSION!
Meaningful Measures: How Do Buyers and Sellers Show ROI?
A panel of buyers and sellers will discuss how you can best illustrate return on investment and the distinct value of your content purchases to management and budget approvers
Moderator: Robin Neidorf, FreePint
Speakers: Jantinus Meints, Ernst & Young; Clare Gillan, IDC; Bill Noorlander, BST America [LMD Member]; Ann Lee, Dow Jones
4:00 – 5:30 p.m. SPOTLIGHT SESSION!
Reinventing Library Skills
Speakers: Deborah Hunt, Information Edge [LMD Member]; Richard Hulser, Natural History Museum Los Angeles County [LMD Member]; Ethel Salonen, MITRE Corporation [LMD Member]
Co-Sponsoring Divisions: SLA Taxonomy Division (lead division), SLA Academic Division, SLA Social Science Division, SLA Museums, Arts & Humanities Division, Encore – Retired Members Caucus
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
8:00 – 9:30 a.m.
Marketing Section Virtual Swap-n-Shop Breakfast
Ticketed Event: $15/members and students, $30/non-members
Participate in the annual LMD Marketing Section Swap-n-Shop breakfast. Join us for a panel discussion, Using Social Media to Promote Libraries and Librarians.
Moderators: Barbie Keiser, Barbie E. Keiser Inc. [LMD Member], Bethann Ruddock, Mimas [LMD Member]
Speakers: Melissa Giovagnoli, Networlding; Connie Crosby, Crosby Group Consulting [LMD Member]; Roger Tye, Allstate Insurance Company
Co-Sponsor: SLA Advertising & Marketing Division
10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Tales from the Trenches: Contract Negotiation is not for the Faint of Heart
Vendor contracts are getting more complicated. Many librarians are involved in the contract negotiation process or work alongside their institutions’ purchasing and procurement staff. They have to be able to read and comprehend often complex contracts in order to get the most favorable and sensible terms for their libraries and organizations. Experienced information professionals who manage the content and contracts for their organizations will share their knowledge and tips for “getting to yes” without too much bloodshed!
Moderator: Amy Affelt, Compass Lexecon [LMD Member]
Speakers: Carol Ginsburg, BST America LLC [LMD Member]; Bill Noorlander, BST America LLC [LMD Member]; Barbara Hirsh, NERA Economic Consulting [LMD Member]; Laurie Leichman, WoltersKluwer; Steven Goldstein, Alacra; Bob Lemmond, WoltersKluwer
Co-Sponsoring Divisions: SLA Legal Division, SLA Military Libraries Division
Sponsor Partner: ProQuest & Dialog
2:00 – 2:30 p.m.
LMD Business Meeting and Afternoon Tea
Join division chair Rebecca Vargha and the LMD board for a review of the events of the past year and a look at the future. The Karen J. Switt Award will be presented.
Speaker: Rebecca Vargha, University of North Carolina, and Chair, SLA Leadership & Management Division
Sponsor Partner: Basch Subscription Services
4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Creating Organizations We Want to Work In: Combatting Defensiveness at Work
This presentation will describe how defensive routines begin and live within organizations, making trust, true teamwork, and honesty difficult. The presenter will describe tested theories and concepts that explain how defensiveness creates threatening and uncomfortable work environments. These theories will relate to how toxic environments feel to the members of the organization and what can be done to create workplaces in which we want to work. Ms. Deiss will provide insights into how all staff can play critical roles in creating a healthy workplace. After this presentation, attendees will understand organizational climate and culture more deeply and will see the connection between individual behaviours and their effect on the organization.
Speaker: Kathryn Deiss, Association of College & Research Libraries
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
8:00 – 9:30 a.m.
Challenges of Buying and Selling Content in 2012
Ticketed Event: $15/members and students, $30/non-members
A panel of buyers and sellers will discuss the most significant challenges faced in acquiring content over the past year.
Moderators: Cynthia Studnicha, Ernst & Young LLP, Ann Kenny, Ernst & Young LLP
Speakers: Mike Stelzer, Knowledge Management Services; Bill Moore, ThomsonReuters; Dawn Lynn, Abbott Laboratories; Jim Toomey, Standard & Poor’s
Sponsor Partner: BST America LLC
10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Marketing for the Rest of Us: A Guide for Introverts
Marketing may not be in your job description, but it’s a critical part of everyone’s job. Mary Ellen Bates offers techniques for raising the profile of your information centre and yourself in ways that are authentic and comfortable to even the most marketing-phobic.
Speaker: Mary Ellen Bates, Bates Information Services Inc. [LMD Member]
Sponsor Partner: Dow Jones
5:15 – 8:15 p.m.
Architectural Boat Tour of Chicago
Ticketed Event: $55/members & students; $70/non-members
An evening boat cruise that will highlight the architectural features of Chicago.
Co-Sponsoring Divisions: Architecture Caucus, MAHD, DITE, DTRN